

United kingdom

Whether we are transporting your antiques from Eastbourne to Edinburgh, Swansea to Skegness or anywhere else in the United Kingdom. We have the safest, fastest and most competitively priced services available. We have the team and transport infrastructure enabling us to package, collect and deliver, safely, within 24hrs, anywhere in the UK.

Whether you need help with packaging materials, choosing the right transport case or simply want to know the tools necessary to prepare your antique to be moved, click the link below for more information.


There are 44 countries in Europe. We collect from and deliver to each and every one. At the same time we ensure that our prices are regularly checked and updated to ensure that we are the most competitively priced European antiques logistics handler available to our clients.

At any given time we have several packages making there way around Europe by road, sea or air. Our logistics infrastructure allows us to provide a variety of time sensitive delivery options ranging from 24hrs in western Europe to 3 days in far eastern Europe.

Click the link below for more information about preparing and moving your antiques through Europe.

Rest of the world

Are you buying a piece from Sothebys, New York? Or have you just sold your antique to a buyer in Mexico? Whatever your requirements are, we are on hand to help.

Our infrastructure allows us to handle your collection or delivery needs from within all 147 countries, internationally.

With industry leading turnaround times ranging from 3 to 10 days, you can rest assured that we will handle your requirements with precision and care.

Click the link below for more information about preparing and moving your antiques internationally.